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How to open the Chart of a Security
How to change the Time Frame
How to change Chart Type
How to view Multiple Charts
How to Buy/Sell from Chart page
To open "Chart" of a security, follow these steps:
Click on the Security Name you want to open from your Watchlist.
This will take you to the Security Page.
On the top of the page, locate the "Chart" Button.
Click on the "Chart" Button to open the chart of the selected Security.
You can see the "Symbol" of the Security you are looking at the top left-hand side. Next to the Symbol you can see the Exchange.
This feature helps you change your Chart's Time Scale from monthly to one-sec intervals.
To change the Time Frame, follow these steps:
Open the "Chart" of the desired Security.
By default, "One Day" Time Frame is set.
A "Select Box" will appear
Next, select the desired Time Frame by clicking on it.
Please Note: Once you log out of the Flip App the Time Frame will be back to the default option.
You have the flexibility to choose the "Charts" in various formats and change the Type to suit your preferences. There are a wide-range of options available from the simple "Bar" and "Candlesticks" to more complicated type such as "Renko", "Point & Figures" and even "Kagi".
To change Chart Type, follow these steps:
Go to the "Chart" page of the desired Security.
By default, the "Chart Type" would be Candlesticks.
Click on the desired option and the Chart Type will be changed immediately.
This menu will allow you to select the number of Charts
To view multiple Charts, follow these steps:
Select the the desired Layout.
Enter the New Chart "Layout Name".
Click "Cancel" Button if you do not wish to continue.
Or Click "Save" Button to save the new name.
"Indicators" play an important role in Technical Analysis and Trading. There are a wide range of Indicators available in the Flip Mobile App.
To access the Indicators, follow these steps:
Open the "Chart" page of the desired security.
You will be redirected another tab with a wide range of "Indicators".
Choose and Click on the "Indicator" you wish to apply.
Once you click on the "Indicator" it will be applied automatically.
Now you can the "Charts" page with the applied "Indicator".
Please Note: You can add any number of Indicator at once.
To remove an Indicator, follow these steps:
Once you have applied an Indicator, it becomes visible on the "Chart".
Now to remove a selected "Indicator", locate the "Undo" Icon on the top left-hand side.
Next, click on the "Undo" Icon and the "Indicator" will be promptly removed from the "Chart" page.
If you have added multiple "Indicator", continue clicking the "Undo" Icon until the specific indicator you want removed is no longer displayed on the Chart.
To save an Indicator template, follow these steps:
First open the "Chart" page.
Add "Indicators" of your choice. (You can add one or more Indicators at a time).
You will be redirected to the "Save Indicator Template" page.
Enter the "Name" of your choice for your template.
If you do not wish to Save the name press the "Cancel" Button.
However, if you wish to continue click the "Save" Button. The template will be saved and you be redirected to the "Chart" page.
To open the Saved Indicator Templates, follow these steps:
Open the desired "Chart".
A bottom pop-up will appear and you can see all the "Saved Indicator Templates".
Now click on the "Name of the Template" you wish to open.
You will be redirected to that particular page.
To buy/sell from Chart page, follow these steps:
Open the Chart page.
You can see the "Buy/Sell" Button at the top right-hand side of the tab.
Click on the "Buy/Sell" Button to open the respective "Order Placement" page.
Enter the required data in the "Order Placement" page and submit the order.
Locate and click on "D" Icon on top left-hand side of the Chart.
Click on the "Candlesticks" Icon at the top left-hand side.
Once you click on the "Candlestick" Icon a drop-down menu will appear with multiple options.
Please Note: The Icon on top right-hand side keeps changing according to the option you choose. For Example: If you select "Lines" the Icon will change to "Lines" Icon
Click on the "Layout" Icon at the top right-hand side of the page.
Locate and click on the "Indicator" Icon at the top left-hand side.
To search for a particular "Indicator" tap on the "Search Bar" and enter the name or first letter.
Click on the "Close" Icon to close the page and you will go back to the "Charts" page.
Locate and click on the Icon at the top right-hand side.
A bottom pop-up will appear. Click on "Save Indicator Template".
Locate and click on the Icon on top left-hand side of the Chart.