Order Book
The Order Book provides a real-time snapshot of the current status of each order.
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The Order Book provides a real-time snapshot of the current status of each order.
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How to open Order Book
The "Order Book" is a record of all the orders placed by you during the Trading Day. These Orders can be grouped into several categories, such as "Open Orders", "Closed Orders", "After-Market Orders", and "Good-Till-Date Orders". The Order Book provides a real-time snapshot of the current status of each order, allowing you to see which orders have been executed, which are still pending, and which have been cancelled.
To view the Order Book, follow these steps:
Locate the "Order" Icon at the bottom of the tab.
Click on the "Order" Iconto open the Order Book tab.
The "Order Book" page will be open.
You can see "Open Order", "Closed Order", "GTD Order", "Baskets", "Smartfolio", and "Broker Rejection".
Click/Swipe between "Open Order", "Closed Order", "GTD Order", "Baskets", "Smartfolio" and "Broker Rejection" to select it.
Navigate to the "Order Book", Open or Closed depending on the "Order Summary" you wish to see.
Click on the desired Order to open the "Order Summary page".
Review the "Order Summary", which includes two tabs:
Order Overview: Showing details of the order such as the Order Type, Product Type, Order Quantity, Order Price, and Order Status.
Order Log: Showing the timing of various stages of the order, such as Order Placement, Confirmation by the Exchange, Execution, Rejection, Cancelation, and Modification.
Click on any tab you wish to Review.
An "Order Log" typically provides detailed information about the timing of various events related to the Order. This can include when the Order was placed, when it was confirmed by the exchange, when it was executed, when it was rejected, when it was canceled, when it was modified and when any modifications were confirmed.
An "Order Summary" is a document that provides a detailed overview of a customer's order. It includes information about the type of order placed. The "Order Summary" is an important tool that allows the customer, trader, or business to track and manage their orders effectively. It serves as a record of the Order, providing all the necessary details to understand the Order and make informed decisions.
Below are the details of Order summary :
Order Type: Limit, Market, Stop Loss Order.
Product Type: Intraday Cash, BTST, MTF.
Order Validity.
Limit Price and Trigger Price based on order type.
Ordered quantity, executed quantity, and pending quantity.
Order Status: Confirmed, executed, rejected, or cancelled.
Order Time and Exchange Order ID.
Who placed the order (user, branch, or customer care).
What is GTD Order?
What is Smartfolios?
What are the different types of Order?
What is AMO Orders?