Order Confirmation
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How to select the option between Placing an order after reviewing or without reviewing.
It's generally a good idea to have a "Confirmation" step when placing Orders, especially if they involve significant amounts of money or have the potential to significantly impact a Portfolio. This can help prevent mistakes or unintended consequences from occurring.
Having a "Confirmation Step" allows you to review your Order before it is sent to the exchange and ensure that all the details are correct. This can be especially important in fast-moving and volatile markets, where mistakes can have significant consequences. We also have the option to place order without the confirmation step if you are confident in decision-making and want to be able to place orders quickly.
Hence, there are two options for Order Placement:
Sending the Order to the exchange after reviewing the order details in the Order Confirmation page. This is the default and recommended option on the platform.
Sending the Order to the exchange without an additional Review and Confirmation step.
Click the “More” Iconand locate the “Settings” section.
In the settings menu, select "Default Order Settings".
Navigate to the Common Settings section.
Here, you will see two options: "Review and Place Order" and "Place Order Without Review."
Select and save the desired option.
The setting will be made Active immediately.
Please Note: Selecting one of these options will automatically deactivate the other.
"Order Confirmation" is an important step while trading as it gives you the opportunity to review and confirm your order details before it is sent to the Exchange. It's a good idea to carefully review the order details on the confirmation page to make sure that everything is correct.
If you notice any errors or discrepancies, you can go back to the Order Placement Page and make the necessary corrections.
The following details are displayed on the Order Confirmation page:
Order Type- Market / Limit / Stop-loss Limit / Stop-loss Market
Product Type- Cash / Intraday / BTST / MTF
Time Condition- Day / IOC / GTD / EOD
Additional details for Bracket orders, One Cancel Other orders and Multi-leg Options orders.