Product Types

The following are the Product Types available in the FLIP App.

This section contains:

Various Product Types Available in FLIP App

1. Cash Order

A "Cash Order", also known as a "Delivery Order", is an Order Product Type that involves taking/giving physical delivery of a security in a buy/sell transaction.

How to place the Cash Order

To place a Cash Product Order, follow these steps:

  • Open the Order Placement Page for the security you wish to buy or sell.

  • Select the "Exchange" and "Order Type".

  • Enter the "Quantity" and "Price".

  • Select the Product Type as "Cash".

  • Select the "Time Condition".

  • Click the "Review Order" Button to re-check your order details.

  • After confirmation, click the "Place Order" Button. Your order will be sent to the exchange.

Please Note: To place a Cash Order, you will need to have 100% of the order value as margins. This margin can be in the form of Cash or a Pledge Margin.

2. Intraday Order

An "Intraday Order" is an order product wherein any position taken during the day is Squared Off before the close of trading hours on the same day. The security is bought and sold on the same day and delivery is not taken.

How to place the Intraday Order

To place an Intraday Order, follow these steps:

  • Open the Order Placement Page for the security you wish to buy or sell.

  • Select the "Exchange" and "Order Type".

  • Enter the "Quantity" and "Price".

  • Select the Product Type as "Intraday".

  • Select the "Time Condition".

  • Click the "Review Order" Button to re-check your order details

  • After confirmation, click the "Place Order" Button. Your order will be sent to the exchange.

Please Note: An Intraday Order must be closed/squared off/converted by 3:15 pm.


  1. What is auto square-off timing for Intraday position??

  2. What is the margin/fund required for Intraday Trade?

  3. What will happen if I don't close my Intraday Position?

  4. What is the cut-off time to place an Intraday Order?

  5. What happens after I close my Intraday position?

3. Buy Today Sell Tomorrow (BTST) Order

"BTST or Buy Today Sell Tomorrow" is an Order Product Type that allows you to place a buy order and sell it before settlement. This allows you to take advantage of short-term market movements and potentially make profits without having to pay for the entire amount for the trade upfront.

The "BTST" leveraged product offered by Geojit as a way for clients to carry forward their cash/delivery purchases by only paying a margin. You can carry a position forward for up to seven calendar days, after which it will be closed (T+7th calendar day).

How to place the BTST Order

To place a BTST Order, follow these steps:

  • Open the Order Placement Page for the security you wish to buy or sell.

  • Select the "Exchange" and "Order Type".

  • Enter the "Quantity" and "Price".

  • Select the Product Type as "BTST".

  • Select the "Time Condition".

  • Click the "Review Order" Button to re-check your order details.

  • After confirmation, click the "Place Order" Button. Your order will be sent to the exchange.


  1. Who can use BTST facility?

  2. Do we have to activate BTST order facility?

  3. Are there risks involved in using BTST order?

4. Margin Trading Funding (MTF) Order

"Margin Trading Funding" (MTF) is a facility that allows you to capitalize on investment opportunities that may otherwise not be possible due to a shortage of Funds. By paying for a part of the order value in the form of a margin, the remaining amount will be funded by Geojit.

How to place the Margin Trading Funding Order

To place a MTF Order, follow these steps:

  • Open the Order Placement Page for the security you wish to buy or sell.

  • Select the "Exchange" and "Order Type".

  • Enter the "Quantity" and "Price".

  • Select the Product Type as "MTF".

  • Select the "Time Condition".

  • Click the "Review Order" Button to re-check your order details

  • After confirmation, click the "Place Order" Button. Your order will be sent to the exchange.


  1. How do I activate MTF facility?

  2. How do I exit MTF position?

  3. What should I do after I place my MTF order?

  4. Where can I view my open MTF position?

Last updated

Geojit Financial Services