See all Investments, Trading Positions, and Smartfolio Holdings.
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See all Investments, Trading Positions, and Smartfolio Holdings.
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How to Open Portfolio page
Search for Security in Portfolio
Under "Portfolio", you can view all of your Investment Details, Trading Position Details, and a snapshot of your investments made through Smartfolio. This is the one-stop destination to stay up-to-date and informed about your financial investments.
To open the "Portfolio" page, follow these steps:
Locate the "Portfolio" Icon on the navigation menu.
Click on the "Portfolio" Icon to open the Portfolio page.
The "Portfolio" page have multiple tabs or sections, such as Holdings, Positions, and Smartfolio.
To switch between these sections, you can click on the tab name or use a swipe function.
A "Search" feature is usually offered on a Portfolio page to help you find specific securities in your Portfolio quickly and easily. This feature can be beneficial if you have a significant number of Holdings, as it allows them to quickly access the information they need without manually scrolling through the entire list of Holdings.
To search for any security, follow these steps:
Select the Holdings or Positions tab by clicking on it.
Type the Name of the Security you wish to find.
If the searched symbol is part of your Holdings or Positions, it will be filtered and displayed.
Please Note: This feature is provided in both the Holdings and Positions page to allow you to easily find securities information in both pages.
You can add more Fields such as "Day P&L and Day P&L%", "Invested Amount and Market Value", and "Weighted Average and Average P&L" and Price change indicator to your Portfolio by going to Portfolio Settings. To do so follow these steps:
This will redirect you to the "Portfolio Settings" page.
Here by default, you will be on the "Portfolio Data" page and can see a variety of data fields such as "Day P&L and Day P&L%", "Invested Amount and Market Value", and "Weighted Average and Average P&L" to add to your Portfolio.
Please Note: You are not obligated to choose all the fields, can choose what is relevant for you.
Swipe once to see the "Day P&L and Day P&L%".
Swipe again to see the "Invested Amount and Market Value".
Subsequent swipes will reveal the "Weighted Average and Average P&L".
Furthermore, if you perform an additional swipe, you will be returned to the "Price Data".
Please Note: The change in fields can only be accomplished through left swipe, enabling you to change through the different portfolio data.
To access the Compact View, follow these steps:
By default you will be on the "Holdings" page.
If you wish to have a condensed view of the page, you need to switch to the "Compact View".
Next, swipe/click to select the "Others" tab.
Here, you will find the "Compact View" option.
You can now customise which data you would like to see.
First row you can see options such as "Market Rate and Average Buy or Sell Rate", "Day High and Low", and "52 Week High and Low".
Next row you have options such as "Total P&L and P&L%", "Day P&L and P&L%, and "Market Value and Invested Value".
Please Note: Once Compact View is activated, it is available for both Holdings and Positions.
Click on the "Portfolio" Icon at the bottom of the tab to access the Holdings/Positions page.
Locate and click on the "Search Bar" at the top left-hand side of the tab.
To clear the search and remove the filter, click the "x" Icon on the "Search Bar" or click on the "Back Arrow" Icon on the top left-hand side.
Go to "Portfolio" page.
Locate the "Settings" Icon on the top RHS and click on it.
To include any of these fields to your Portfolio, click on the corresponding "Checkbox" near each field.
Once you have done the selection click on the "Back arrow" to go back to Portfolio page.
Choose any security on the Portfolio page and swipe left on the Price Column and you will find the changes.
Locate and navigate to the "Portfolio" page.
For that, firstly click on the "Settings" Icon located at the top right-hand side of the tab.
Click on the "Toggle" Button adjacent to it to activate the option.
Now click on the "Back Arrow" at the top left-hand side to go back to the Portfolio page.
Click on the "Drop-down Arrow" a bottom pop-up options will appear.