Closed Orders

View list of Orders that was completed

This Section Contains:

  1. How to view Closed Order Book

In the "Closed Order Book" tab on the Order Book, users can view a list of Orders that have been completed, including those that were Executed, Partially Executed, Canceled, and Rejected.

1. How to View Closed Order

To view "Closed Order", follow these steps:

  • Click on the "Closed Order Book" tab.

  • "Executed, Partly", "Executed Canceled", and "Exchange Rejected Orders" status will be displayed along with the order. However "Broker Rejected Orders" will be shown in a separate tab under Order Book called "Broker Rejection".

  • Most recent "Executed Order" will be at the top of the list, and earlier ones at the bottom.

  • Completed order details includes: Symbol Name, Total Order Quantity, Executed/Canceled Quantities, Buy/Sell Order, Product Type, Time, Order status, Price, and Order Type.

2. Repeat or Re-order

You can Re-order/Repeat an Existing, or Rejected Order.

How to Repeat or Re-order an order

To Repeat/Re-order an earlier order, follow these steps:

  • Go to the "Closed Orders Book" tab

  • Click on the specific order you want to "Re-order".

  • This will bring up the Order Summary of the executed order.

  • Look for the "Re-order" Button at the bottom of the Order Summary popup.

  • Click on the "Re-order" Button.

  • This will redirect you to the Order Placement page with data already filled in as your earlier executed order.

  • If you want to place exactly the same order as before, "Confirm" and "Send" the order to the exchange.

  • You can also "Modify" any details before confirming and sending the order.

3. Sorting Closed Orders

"Sort" the Order according to "Alphabetical order". In an Closed Order Book, the default sorting is such that the latest order is displayed at the top and the oldest order is displayed at the bottom. The Closed Order Book will only contain orders for the current day.

How to Sort Closed Orders

To Sort the Closed Order Book, follow these steps:

  • A pop-up with the "Sort" options will appear.

  • You can see the option to "Sort" the Closed Order Book.

  • Click on any "Sort" option and the "Sort" will be automatically applied.

4. Filter Closed Orders

The "Filter" option in the Closed Order Book allows you to "Filter" your Closed Orders based on "Trade Type", "Product Type", "Order Type", and "Order Status", helping you to efficiently locate and take action on specific Orders.

How to Filter Closed Orders

To Filter the Closed Order Book, follow these steps:

  • A pop-up with various "Filter" options will appear.

  • You can "Filter" based on "Trade Type", "Product Type", "Order Type", and "Order Status" by clicking on the desired options.

  • To apply the selected "Filters", click outside the pop-up window.

Last updated

Geojit Financial Services